We set the standard for extended bags back in the early 90's, and we figured it was time to raise the bar again. The Down-N-Out bags from Arlen Ness are 6" longer and 2" lower than our original Big Bags. They feature a patent pending taper on the lower section of the bag for a clean new look and an extra 2" of ground clearance. These bags are constructed from high quality composite materials and are oven cured over a wide heat range to ensure stability and durability. Each bag has hand placed fibers strategically located to provide the highest structural integrity possible and a maximum strength to weight ratio. No shiny get coat finish to sand and prime, every part comes finished,primed with a super high quality polyester sanding primer and is ready to paint. As always each bag is fit and lid tested and passes a 14-point quality control process. These bags are strong, long, light, and perfectly balanced.
- Down-N-Out bags are sold in pairs.
- The bags are designed to fit factory lids and hardware.
- The exhaust extension and chrome heat shield extensions come with the fender, not with these bags.
- The bags are available in a primed ready to paint finish.
- Lids and mounting hardware not included.
- 1993-2013 FLT with dual exhaust, single exhaust, and no exhaust
- 2014 - up FLT with dual exhaust, single exhaust, and no exhaust
- Please check fitment and finish of bags prior to painting bags. Arlen Ness will not be responsible for any damage sustained to paint jobs.